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Copyright © 2013 by Dunaskin Doon Band  ·  All Rights reserved  ·                               EMail: info@ddband.co.uk. Tel: 0845 370 7877
Dunaskin Doon Band
Registered as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation with the Charity Number SC049321.
Designed by BMK@DDB
est. 1869
Contact Us
Please type your message here:
Please send us an enquiry by completing this form:
You are welcome to come and see us at our rehearsal facilities,
currently in Seafield Bowling Club, Carwinshoch View, Ayr (KA7 4AY)
on a Monday or Thursday evening (19:30-21:30). Please contact
band secretary, Fiona Waddington, on 07884 008040, or via
secretary@ddband.co.uk, for any further details.
On the build up to Contests, and Concerts, we may have extra practices and sectional rehearsals which may be available for public viewing.
If you do wish to visit, or become a member, we may be able to assist with travel arrangements as we have members travelling from all over Ayrshire, and beyond, who may be able to offer you a lift or  car share.